Thursday, November 30, 2017
Report Unmasks 'State Terror' of Venezuela Security Forces - InSight Crime
Report Unmasks 'State Terror' of Venezuela Security Forces - InSight Crime
Wednesday, November 29, 2017
Current Events: What American Leftists Fear the Most about President Donald Trump
I’ve just received an email piece of progressive propaganda from the Friends of Bernie Sanders. The title is of it is “The Republican Tax Plan is a Moral Abomination”.
Let me give you here a glimpse of its propagandistic class warfare:
“The current Republican “tax cut” bill, paid for by the Koch brothers and other billionaire campaign contributors, continues the push to make the rich richer at the expense of everyone else. It would raise taxes on middle class families making $75,000 a year or less and would throw 13 million Americans off of health insurance. And it would do all of these things to provide permanent tax cuts to the wealthiest Americans and profitable corporations that ship American jobs to China while moving their American profits to the Cayman Islands.” 1
1 "Tell Congress: REJECT The Republican “Tax Cut” Plan That Would Take From The Working Families". 2017. Go.Berniesanders.Com. Accessed November 29 2017.
This piece of rhetoric is worthy of the Joseph Goebbels Award for deceptive propaganda by a politician.
It’s one based on fear, desperate fear, that President Trump in the way he directs state policy would benefit the great bulk of the American people – while he’s still President.
Let me give you an example from the movie "The Godfather."
Near the end of the movie, Michael Corleone confronted Carlo Rizzo and accused him of fingering Sonny for the Barzini people.
Do you remember when Sonny Corleone was machine-gunned to death at the toll gate in the middle of the movie?
Let's backtrack a little bit.
Remember the scene when Carlo Rizzo beat up his wife, Sonny's sister?
Let's backtrack a little bit more.
Do you remember when Sonny beat the crap out of Carlo out in the middle of street, in response to an earlier beating that Carlo Rizzi gave to his wife? This earlier beating wasn't put into a scene like the bigger one that we did see in the movie but when Sonny had gone to pick up his sister and saw that she had a black eye, that's indicative that Carlo had struck her.
Let's take a little look at an invisible thread of cause and effect that runs from that earlier beating that Carlo gave Sonny's sister, the beating that wasn't filmed but that resulted in Connie ending up with the black eye, that we did see in the movie.
This thread runs from that beating all the way to Sonny getting machine gunned in the causeway toll gate.
And then it gets hidden from view. But then it becomes visible to us all in the scene that Carlo gets confronted by Michael who accuses him of having fingered Sonny for the Barzini people and that it is naive of him to think that the beating he gave his wife, the one filmed in depth, was a no mere domestic dispute between spouses at war with each other.
It was instead a trap that the Barzini people used Carlo to carry out, to get Sonny to lose his temper, get into the car, and go to beat Carlo to death as retaliation. But halfway through the drive between the Corleone compound where he was safe, he'd be lured by his rage, to let down his guard and be an easy target for Barzini's killers to kill him.
Shaking your head trying to figure out What's the Godfather's plotline Got to do with this article of the conflict between the political left versus Trump busting his butt to help American workers?
Keyword?: Plotline. Keep your eye on the term "Plotline." That's the connection between the Godfather story and this conflict, this dream that the Democratic Party, America's political left, has - that Trump will do as good a job as President as he intends to do.
It's a long term thing. THE PEOPLE WHO ARE OBSESSED IN THEIR FEAR OF TRUMP DOING A GREAT JOB ARE THE SAME PEOPLE WHO KNOW HE'S DOING A GREAT JOB AND THEY WANT SO BADLY FOR HIM TO SCREW UP. The Political Left in America can't afford the luxury of letting the American people benefitting under President Trump's watch. The political leftists and their mainstream media propaganda machine know that if Trump does a good enough job, that all those people who still hate Trump now - will switch to his side and that such a reversal of alligiance will be almost fatal to the cause of progressivism. America's political left has good reason to dread Trump.
I see the fear that America's political left has about Trump steering state policy to benefit the American people.
Let's take a look at the kind of thread you're not supposed to notice if the leftists in America and their henchmen in the mainstream media had their way with you:
Let's start with the ability of the leftists and mainstream media propaganda henchmen and henchwomens' ability to keep you all blind and all their stuff hidden from view.
Trump, the last guy who should have been allowed to succeed to the US Presidency won. The leftists'and media peoples'worst nightmare just hit the fan like shit hitting the fan and it propagates all over the place and the stink gets raised.
Trump tried to get rid of Obamacare but lost on that one. So far, that's not so bad.
Now Trump's prospects for getting tax reform get passed seems to have more promise and this is a far bigger threat for letists and media propagandists. If Trump's tax plan succeeds, if it benefits many more people than fewer of them, especially poor people, even worse, people who had wanted Clinton to win and Trump lose, and if all these former Trump haters, people who were Democrat Party faithful for life, switch sides -- how will that make the Political Left and their media allies look? Especially, during election season in 2018 and later even more?
And if he fulfills cleaning up and fixing inner cities, the Democratic Party's turf - and you have all these African Americans who had sworn that the Democratic Party was on their side - and they find out that they were played for suckers?
To benefit the American people, it then would be necessary to the take away from leftist political candidates the opportunity to steer the country’s course back to Obamaramaland or worse, farther to the political left, to becoming a dictatorship of the American Proletariat with themselves as vanguards of the American Proletariat.
The political leftists in the United States, those affiliated with what is left of that political organization that once was the Democratic Party that Andrew Jackson founded in early 1800s. And then you have a socialist of the likes of Bernie Sanders who is at least honest enough to admit that the he wants America to become a socialist country.
What these people now fear is that thousands if not millions of those who once kept them in power will do more than sense that something’s wrong. They’ll put their finger on the bull’s eye. They’ll see that America’s political leftists fear that if they
all go conservative, that they (the leftists) will lose influence over America’s future, her people, you, me, her treasures, her everything.
That’s why they dreaded Trump’s election as if it were the end of the world. For them it was. It meant that America would have a President who is no career politician, who doesn’t need to be US President, who wipes his butt with political correctness,
who defecates and urinates on the names of leftists and propagandists in the mainstream media.
And now, he’s directing economic nuclear missiles at them, their hypocrisies, at their rhetoric, at their influence and power, at their ability to deceive you, at their ability to deceive you into thinking that you need them.
Bombs Away, Mr. President
Wednesday, November 22, 2017
The Conservative Full-time Citizen: Marx the Man - Foundation for Economic Education -...
The Conservative Full-time Citizen: Marx the Man - Foundation for Economic Education -...: Marx the Man - Foundation for Economic Education - Working for a free and prosperous world See excerpt below: Marx’s Mean and Mendaciou...
The Conservative Full-time Citizen: The Campus Counter-Revolution against Liberty - Fo...
The Conservative Full-time Citizen: The Campus Counter-Revolution against Liberty - Fo...: Ebeling, Richard. 2017. "The Campus Counter-Revolution Against Liberty | Richard M. Ebeling". Fee.Org. Accessed November 23 2017...
The Founders, the Constitution, and the Historians - Foundation for Economic Education - Working for a free and prosperous world
The Founders, the Constitution, and the Historians - Foundation for Economic Education - Working for a free and prosperous world
It appears that the only Americans who have an issue with the legitimacy of our Forefathers and of our beloved US Constitution are progressives.
As far as progressives are concerned, we patriotic Americans don't need them; we don't want them either. Our country doesn't need progressives; it shouldn't want them either.
It appears that the only Americans who have an issue with the legitimacy of our Forefathers and of our beloved US Constitution are progressives.
As far as progressives are concerned, we patriotic Americans don't need them; we don't want them either. Our country doesn't need progressives; it shouldn't want them either.
Monday, November 20, 2017
QUIZ: Can We Guess Your Education Level From The Historical Figures You Know? - Offbeat
QUIZ: Can We Guess Your Education Level From The Historical Figures You Know? - Offbeat
If you stand for something, then you really need to have knowledge about what you're dealing with, both sides. If there's something you don't understand well, then you're not ready to stand for something and stand against its antithesis. If you're going to be free, then you need to be knowledgeable in depth.
If you stand for something, then you really need to have knowledge about what you're dealing with, both sides. If there's something you don't understand well, then you're not ready to stand for something and stand against its antithesis. If you're going to be free, then you need to be knowledgeable in depth.
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